5 Alluring YA Fantasy Romance Books With Dragons

Powerful and terrifying, dragons steal the show whenever they appear. Are you searching for YA fantasy romance books featuring these winged creatures?

If so, I’ve got you covered.

Here’s a list of five YA fantasy romance books with dragons:

I’ve included their ratings and reviews below, as well as a comparison chart. And if you want dragon-filled YA novels without romance, this list of YA fantasy books with dragons is here to help you out!

Scorched by Mari Mancusi



Don’t leave me here…

It starts with a whisper. At first Trinity thinks she’s going crazy. It wouldn’t be a big surprise — her grandpa firmly believes there’s a genuine dragon egg in their dusty little West Texas town.

Books Cover of Scorched by Mari Mancusi

But this voice is real, and it’s begging for her protection. Even if no one else can hear it…


He’s come from a future scorched by dragonfire. His mission: Find the girl. Destroy the egg. Save the world.


He’s everything his twin brother Connor hates: cocky, undisciplined, and obsessed with saving dragons.

Trinity has no idea which brother to believe. All she has to go by is the voice in her head — a dragon that won’t be tamed.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 3.78

Most Common Rating: 4

Positive Comments

First on our list of dragon YA fantasy romance books is Scorched. Readers often described this fantasy novel as ‘Terminator with dragons’, a unique blend of time-travel and dragons that they loved!

They reported that the novel’s fast pacing kept them glued to the pages. Action-packed and exciting, the book also presented a mystery about the two brothers’ true motives and pasts that drew readers in. Several remarked that discerning between the truths and lies was one of Scorched‘s highlights.

Others added that they appreciated the portrayal of Emberlyn, the dragon. While some stories characterize dragon allies as friendly and pet-like, Scorched portrays dragons as both deadly and magnificent. These readers enjoyed this intriguing and dangerous atmosphere around Trinity’s flame-breathing ally.

Negative Comments

While Scorched has plenty of fans, some readers didn’t enjoy it. What did critics say?

Their comments were consistent: despite its dragon and apocalyptic spin, the novel came across as familiar YA fantasy. To be more specific, these readers expressed disappointment that the novel features a love triangle and characters with familiar personalities.

These readers described Trinity, Conner and Caleb as standard YA characters. Moreover, they said that the ‘good boy’ versus ‘bad boy’ setup to the romance was standard as well.

Any tension or conflict between the three characters didn’t make an impression: it felt like sights along a well-trodden path rather than a situation that piqued their interest and invested them in the outcome.

The Burning Sky by Sherry Thomas


It all began with a ruined elixir and a bolt of lightning.

Iolanthe Seabourne is the greatest elemental mage of her generation — or so she’s been told. The one prophesied for years to be the savior of The Realm.

It is her duty and destiny to face and defeat the Bane, the most powerful tyrant and mage the world has ever known. This would be a suicide task for anyone, let alone a reluctant sixteen-year-old girl with no training.

Books Cover of The Burning Sky by Sherry Thomas

Guided by his mother’s visions and committed to avenging his family, Prince Titus has sworn to protect Iolanthe even as he prepares her for their battle with the Bane.

But he makes the terrifying mistake of falling in love with the girl who should have been only a means to an end. Now, with the servants of the tyrant closing in, Titus must choose between his mission — and her life.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 3.91

Most Common Rating: 4

Positive Comments

Next on our list of YA fantasy romances is The Burning Sky. Readers said that this fantasy novel takes a variety of beloved YA tropes and blends them together for something entirely unique and exciting.

The story world features elemental powers, mythological creatures and elite boarding school drama.

As for the romance, The Burning Sky pairs the powerful mage protagonist, Iolanthe, with the agenda-driven Prince Titus. Readers frequently remarked that Iolanthe delighted them with her backbone in particular, but also with her cleverness and back-and-forth banter with Titus. They mentioned that she adapts well to her difficult circumstances and refuses to self-pity.

In the past, YA fantasy readers have voiced their frustrations with protagonists who let their romantic feelings cloud their judgement – especially when the fate of a kingdom is at stake.

Because of this, readers often made a point of saying that both Iolanthe and Titus didn’t follow this pattern. While their attraction grew, they didn’t let that derail them from their greater missions.

Negative Comments

What did readers who didn’t enjoy The Burning Sky say? Generally, readers expressed similar sentiments: they disliked both Iolanthe and Titus as character. Because of this, they couldn’t get invested in their romance.

Why was this? Well, critics of The Burning Sky characterized Iolanthe as a Mary Sue: a character so excessively perfect at all she does and in her attributes that it’s unbelievable.

These readers said that Iolanthe’s ‘Chosen One’ status defined her. She was strong in the sense of being highly competent. However, she didn’t have dreams, hopes or fears of her own that were unrelated to her foretold destiny.

As for Titus, critics said that at ultimately, he bothered them as a romantic prospect. These readers suggested that the book sets Titus up to be a fundamentally good person who feigns a spoiled and manipulative persona to protect himself and others. However, these readers said that after a while, this didn’t seem like a mask. Instead, it seemed like his true face.

As such, these frustrated readers thought that the story buried these issues beneath a smokescreen of sexual attraction.

Slayers by C.J. Hill


Sixteen-year-old Tori Hampton may be a socialite and a senator’s daughter, but she’s certainly more than just a pretty face. She’s smart and tough and surprisingly good at outdoor sports.

For as long as she can remember, Tori always had a secret obsession with dragons. And now that she’s attending Dragon Camp for the summer, she can’t wait to indulge her inner fascination.

Book Cover of Slayers by C.J. Hill

But unbeknownst to Tori, this is no ordinary camp. This is a camp for Slayers — a handful of teens descended from the original knights. And with new dragon eggs about to hatch, the time for the Slayers to save the world is now.

Danger awaits, romance beckons, and their very survival is at stake.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 4.10

Most Common Rating: 5

Positive Comments

Next on our list of YA fantasy books with dragons is Slayers! This novel intrigued readers with its vibrant blend of knights, dragon-slaying and a ‘fish out of water’ modern protagonist.

Speaking of the protagonist, Tori often surprised readers by how likable she was. While the novel convincingly portrays her as the spoiled, privileged daughter of a senator it promises, Tori had more to her than just that. She was also tough, quick-thinking and able to grow out of her flaws.

Readers remarked that she came across as a well-fleshed out character who, despite being an especially gifted lead character, had weaknesses as well.

Others mentioned that while they liked Tori, the entire cast delighted them. These readers thought each one had something different and interesting to add to the story overall and played off of each other nicely.

Negative Comments

If readers didn’t enjoy Slayers, what did they say? Mostly, these readers thought that the book stayed too close to YA conventions even with its refreshing twists.

For instance, these readers mentioned that the gap between Tori’s power levels and the rest of the cast’s seemed excessive. Because of this, she came across to them as a standard over-powered YA protagonist.

Others pointed to the love triangle as what took away from the reading experience. Part of this was because love triangles have become a staple in YA, but another was that they thought the romance lacked authentic chemistry.

Firelight by Sophie Jordan


A hidden truth. 

Mortal enemies. 

Doomed love.

Marked as special at an early age, Jacinda knows her every move is watched. But she longs for freedom to make her own choices. When she breaks the most sacred tenet among her kind, she nearly pays with her life.

Until a beautiful stranger saves her. A stranger who was sent to hunt those like her. For Jacinda is a draki, a descendant of dragons whose greatest defense is her secret ability to shift into human form.

Books Cover of Firelight by Sophie Jordan

Forced to flee into the mortal world with her family, Jacinda struggles to adapt to her new surroundings. The only bright light is Will. Gorgeous, elusive Will who stirs her inner draki to life.

Although she is irresistibly drawn to him, Jacinda knows Will’s dark secret: He and his family are hunters. She should avoid him at all costs. But her inner draki is slowly slipping away; if it dies she will be left as a human forever.

She’ll do anything to prevent that. Even if it means getting closer to her most dangerous enemy.

Mythical powers and breathtaking romance ignite in this story of a girl who defies all expectations and whose love crosses an ancient divide, from New York Times bestselling author Sophie Jordan.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 3.87

Most Common Rating: 5

Positive Comments

Firelight is another YA fantasy romance book with dragons that won fans. Written by Sophie Jordan, who also writes romance books, this novel combines her specialty in romance with an intriguing dragon lore. As such, readers noted that this book is primarily a romance – something they loved!

These readers said that the ‘Romeo and Juliet’ love story between a dragon and dragon hunter immediately caught their interest. Jacinda and Will had every reason to despise and stay far away from each other. And yet, they found themselves drawn to each other regardless.

Fans found themselves on their edge of their seats, feeling both Jacinda’s turmoil and her excitement over newfound love.

They also reported that Firelight flowed well, the pages flitting by thanks to a quick pace and dramatic story line.

Negative Comments

Fans found much to enjoy about Firelight and ultimately, the most common rating readers gave this novel was 5 stars. But what did critics say?

It seems like this is a YA fantasy novel that stirs up strong feelings in readers, whether positive or negative. Critics were as frustrated with Jacinda and the romance as the fans were delighted.

These readers’ criticisms had a common thread: Jacinda came across to them as self-pitying and selfish. Some of them said that her selfishness reached the point where she seemed outright foolish instead.

However, others said that Firelight disappointed them because it stayed so close to standard the YA fantasy format in general. These readers loved the promise of a story filled with dragon shape-shifters, unique draki mythology and a love story that succeeds despite impossible odds. However, they described these twists as tacked-on rather than a fundamental aspect of the novel.

Talon by Julie Kagawa


The Dragons of Talon:

Once hunted nearly to extinction, they are now poised to take over the world. 

The Order of St. George:

The legendary dragonslayers will stop at nothing to wipe dragons from the face of the earth. 

These mortal enemies are locked in secret and deadly combat, with humanity none the wiser.

Book Cover of Talon by Julie Kagawa

To take her rightful place in the Talon organization, young dragon Ember Hill must prove she can hide her true nature and blend in with humans.

Her delight at the prospect of a summer of “normal” teen experiences is short-lived, however, once she discovers that she’s also expected to train for her destined career in Talon. But a chance meeting with a rogue dragon will soon challenge everything Ember has been taught. 

As Ember struggles to accept her future, St. George soldier Garret Xavier Sebastian is tasked with hunting her down.

But when faced with Ember’s bravery, confidence and all-too-human desires, Garret begins to question everything the Order has ingrained in him – and what he might be willing to give up to uncover the truth about dragons.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 3.75

Most Common Rating: 4

Positive Comments

Last on our list of YA fantasy romance books with dragons is Talon by Julie Kagawa! Packed with action and adventure, this YA fantasy delighted readers with its combination of excitement, dragons and romance.

The characters themselves also captivated these readers, who often said that there wasn’t a single character they didn’t like. Even Ember, who some readers said initially came across as immature, won them over.

Furthermore, they said that experiencing the story from all three main character’s point of views was a wonderful treat!

Negative Comments

If readers didn’t enjoy Talon, what did they say?

Critics commonly cited Ember herself as well as the story’s familiarity as the culprits. For instance, they said that Ember didn’t come across as a person yearning for freedom for sympathetic reasons. Instead, she came across to them as childish and self-centered.

Ember speaks contemptuously of Talon and its members, who thwart her from doing what she wants. However, these readers pointed out that what Ember rails against are minor inconveniences. Either that or the logical actions of people who take keeping her alive seriously.

Other readers said that they wished the story would deviate more from standard YA fantasy. The story promises dragons and dragon slayers. It delivers. However, readers said that the story’s execution of these concepts was too predictable for their taste.

YA Fantasy Romance Books With Dragons

How Do These YA Fantasy Novels Compare?

YA Fantasy Romance Books With Dragons


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