5 Chilling Fantasy Books With Zombies You Must Read

Do fantasy books featuring zombies or undead apocalypses actually exist? Believe it or not, yes! Despite their reputation as a stable of science fiction, these creatures have made it into the pages of several fantasy novels.

These books aren’t typically well-known and publicized, so if you’ve come to find fantasy books crawling with zombies or the undead, you’ve come to the right place.

Here are 5 fantasy books with zombies you must read:

Look below for descriptions, ratings, and a comparison of these creepy fantasy zombie books.

The Empire of the Dead by Phil Tucker


She killed the gods. Raised most of their divine children as undead. She should have finished the job.

Acharsis is a shadow of the demigod he used to be. Son of the god of male fertility and knowledge, his charm has been sanded down, his smile broken, but still in the depths of his eyes glimmers an irrepressible desire for life. For adventure. For revenge.

When he drifts back into the life of an old flame, he’s quickly caught up in events beyond his control and comprehension. Enlisting the help of an old rival and summoning the few and scattered reserves left to him, he dares to dream of the impossible, to contemplate a scheme so insane that it just might work: to topple and destroy Irella, daughter of the Goddess of Death, killer of gods, ruler of the undead and architect of his fall.

It’s time for some holy vengeance.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Average Rating: 3.91

Most Common Rating: 4

The Empire of the Dead is first on our list of fantasy books with zombies. What did fans say? For the most part, these readers described The Empire of the Dead as surprisingly fresh, a novel electrified by powerfully-tangible characters and nearly non-stop, undead action. Others made comparisons to Ocean’s 11, saying it was an exciting heist story but with zombies and demigods. In short? Pure, unadulterated fun.

On top of that, not only did this story grab fans with thrills and fast-paced action, but it also contains consistent, subtle humor throughout which many enjoyed.

Viking Dead by Toby Venables


Northern Europe, 976 AD. Bjolf and the viking crew of the ship Hrafn flee up an unknown river after a bitter battle, only to find themselves in a bleak land of pestilence. The dead don’t lie down, but become draugr – the undead – returning to feed on the flesh of their kin. Terrible stories are told of a dark castle in a hidden fjord, and of black ships that come raiding with invincible draugr berserkers. And no sooner has Bjolf resolved to leave, than the black ships appear…

Now stranded, his men cursed by the contagion of walking death, Bjolf has once choice: fight his way through a forest teeming with zombies, invade the castle and find the secret of the horrific condition – or submit to an eternity of shambling, soulless undeath!

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Average Rating: 3.63

Most Common Rating: 4

Fans of both Beowulf and the undead praised the second story on our list of fantasy books with zombies, Viking Dead. Fans described this horror tale as a fast-paced adventure filled with vicious battles with the undead – many of whom feast on the living – along with a cast of well-developed characters. While primarily an action-packed survival tale, readers said the battles, gore, and human elements were well-balanced.

On top of that, they praised the story’s well-researched portrayal of Viking culture and history, saying it felt authentic and added to the immersive, menacing atmosphere. Several mentioned that the historical element intrigued them. 

Raising Stony Mayhall by Daryl Gregory


From award-winning author Daryl Gregory, whom Library Journal called “[a] bright new voice of the twenty-first century,”comes a new breed of zombie novel — a surprisingly funny, vividly frightening, and ultimately deeply moving story of self-discovery and family love.

In 1968, after the first zombie outbreak, Wanda Mayhall and her three young daughters discover the body of a teenage mother during a snowstorm. Wrapped in the woman’s arms is a baby, stone-cold, not breathing, and without a pulse. But then his eyes open and look up at Wanda — and he begins to move.

The family hides the child — whom they name Stony — rather than turn him over to authorities that would destroy him. Against all scientific reason, the undead boy begins to grow. For years his adoptive mother and sisters manage to keep his existence a secret — until one terrifying night when Stony is forced to run and he learns that he is not the only living dead boy left in the world.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Average Rating: 3.84

Most Common Rating: 4

Third on our list of fantasy books with zombies is Raising Stony Mayhall. What did fans say about this zombie tale?

Well, many praised Raising Stony Mayhall as not your typical action-packed blood, guts and brains zombie story. Instead, it features very un-undead, human elements that readers that made it starkly refreshing.

As such, who weren’t necessarily die-hard fans of zombie stories or fantasy found themselves drawn to the story. In fact, several of these readers described the story as sweet, funny and moving. Others said it impressed them by how tastefully and intelligently written it was.

Unclean by Richard Lee Byers


In the magic-rich realm of Thay, an evil necromancer recruits the undead to his cause — a cause that will change the face of Faerûn forever.

The realm of Thay has long been ruled by the uneasy peace of an alliance of wizards, but all along there has been one who believes he is the true master: the lich Szass Tam. The head of the School of Necromancy, Tam is ready to overtake the Red Wizards and and place himself as Thay’s sole ruler. When he finally moves against his former allies with an army of undead soldiers — from zombies to lichs to vampires — many fear that Thay is only the first of his many conquests.

Standing against him is the bard Bareris Anskuld and Aoth Fezim, a griffon rider and warmage. It falls to them to unite the wizards and citizens of Thay in a dangerous fight for their freedom, their survival, and their home.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Average Rating: 4.00

Most Common Rating: 4

What’s next on our list of fantasy books with zombies? It’s the first book of The Haunted Lands trilogy, Unclean. This story is part of Byers’ Forgotten Realms universe, and introduces readers to the mythical land of Thay, where a collective of wizards maintains order. Yet the alliance between them is founded on shaky ground. When one of these powerful rulers, a necromancer, decides he no longer wants to play nicely, the world is faced with the looming threat of the undead and subjugation.

What did fans say? Overall, these readers praised Unclean for its well fleshed-out characters and haunting world. Fans pointed to Szass Tam, in particula,r as fun to read about, while others said that Bareris and his quest for revenge were riveting.

In addition, fans praised the story’s world as epic, brought to life because of its well-defined society, politics, and conflicts. Rather than a blood-and-guts zombie story, Unclean focused more on the grim struggle to survive in a land ruled by oligarchic wizards and their undead armies. Its bleak and dark tone created exactly the eerie fantasy horror atmosphere these readers craved.

Amber and Ashes by Margaret Weis


The first book in the Dark Disciple series: With the War of Souls now over, Mina aids the seductive God of Death in his quest for power.

Standing at a tomb where she has buried her Dark Queen, warrior-woman Mina believes her life is at an end. Her belief is confirmed when she sees Chemosh, God of Death, come to claim her. But Chemosh does not want Mina’s death — he wants her faith.

Mina is immediately attracted to the handsome and darkly charming god, who has ambitious plans to become the ruler of the Pantheon of Evil. She joins his cause and begins to entice followers to do the same — followers who are young, strong, and soon devoted to their god’s designs. Her commitment endears her to Chemosh, stirring up feelings he never thought he’d have for a mortal woman.

Meanwhile, the brother of a monk of Majere falls victim to Mina’s seduction and becomes one of the vampiric followers of Chemosh. Appalled by the crimes his brother commits, the monk abandons his faith and pledges himself to the evil goddess of the sea, Zeboim, who has her own reasons for wanting to thwart the God of Death. Accompanied by a kender who can talk to the dead, the monk starts upon a dark path to try to find a way to stop Mina and her disciples.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Average Rating: 3.63

Most Common Rating: 4

If you’re a fan of both traditional fantasy and zombies, you’ll be excited to read Amber and Ashes. Gods, magic, vampiric cults and the undead all feature in this epic tale.

What did fans say? Overall, they described the book’s story line as captivating, paired with characters that had real, flesh-and-blood personalities. In addition, Weis paints Krynn as a fascinating land, one fans were eager to dive into and explore.

What’s more, this book is a treat for Dungeons and Dragons lovers. Many readers explained that as fans of this RPG, they were absolutely delighted by Amber and Ashes.

5 Chilling Fantasy Books With Zombies You Must Read

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