5 Short Fantasy Books Around 200 Pages to Read

Fantasy books around 200 pages are far rarer than their 500 hundred or more page counterparts. But sometimes, these quick and thrilling novels are just what we’re in the mood to read.

If you’re looking for a short fantasy story, this list may have one for you.

Here are 5 short fantasy books around 200 pages:

I’ve included book descriptions, readers’ ratings and summaries of positive and negative comments for each book below. 

On the other hand, if you’d like a quick summary, here’s a comparison chart.

Breakwater by Catherine Jones Payne


Mermaids. Murder. Mayhem.

A red tide is rising.

As the daughter of one of the mer-king’s trusted advisors, seventeen-year-old Jade has great responsibilities. When her fiancé murders a naiad, plunging the underwater city of Thessalonike into uproar, tensions surge between the mer and the naiads.

Jade learns too late that the choices she makes ripple further than she’d ever imagined. And as she fights against the tide of anger in a city that lives for scandal, she discovers danger lurking in every canal, imperiling her family and shattering the ocean’s fragile peace.

Can the city’s divisions be mended before the upwelling of hate rips apart everything Jade loves?

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 3.71

Most Common Rating: 4

Positive Comments

First on our list of fantasy books around 200 pages is Breakwater. This novel grabbed readers with its fast-paced plot, political intrigue and likable main character, Jade.

A story about mermaids but also about power, prejudice and politics, Breakwater captivated fans with this unique combination. At the same time, readers said that Breakwater moved at a lightning-fast pace, each chapter ending at just the right place to keep them turning the pages for more.

Moreover, several mentioned that Jade and her inner struggle struck them as sympathetic, complex and authentic. As she grew more aware of the realities outside of her high social circle, Jade questioned her world and her role in it. Fans found her growth fascinating to watch, and admired her care and loyalty toward her loved ones. 

Negative Comments

What did critics say about Breakwater? In general, these readers said that Jade came across as either flat or naïve, which they didn’t enjoy.

Red Rope of Fate by K. M. Shea


In a land where humans and elves find it difficult to communicate, Tari — an elf — is bound to Captain Arion — a human military officer — in a ceremony designed to promote friendship between the two races.

When the ceremony is over the pair discover that the impossible has happened: they can understand each other in spite of the language barrier.

Thrown into a storm of politics, Tari and Arion are put in danger by those who want humans and elves to remain separate.

To make matters worse, Tari realizes she has fallen in love with Arion, who has the emotional capabilities of a rock. As both societies dictate that an elf and a human can never be together, Tari must conceal her feelings.

Unfortunately the taciturn Arion is watchful and attentive to Tari’s well being, constantly pushing her to her limits with his loyalty, friendship, and dreadfully informal habit of touching her.

If Tari and Arion survive, their tumultuous relationship will either strengthen their countries’ alliance, or cripple the human courts of nobility. The deciding factor will be Arion, and his indecipherable feelings for Tari.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 4.17

Most Common Rating: 5

Positive Comments

Another story on our list of fantasy books around 200 pages is Red Rope of Fate. Fans praised this book for its sweet, clean romance. Heartwarming and tender, the story was also filled with likable characters, court intrigue, and entertaining culture-shock moments.

Negative Comments

In general, critics of Red Rope of Fate tended to focus on two areas. The first was that they thought the story was mostly straightforward, without swerves or complications. Others, though, thought that the romance came across as overly sweet.

Dragon’s Bait by Vivian Vande Velde


Fifteen-year-old Alys is not a witch. But that doesn’t matter–the villagers think she is and have staked her out on a hillside as a sacrifice to the local dragon.

It’s late, it’s cold, and it’s raining, and Alys can think of only one thing–revenge. But first she’s got to escape, and even if she does, how can one girl possibly take on an entire town alone?

Then the dragon arrives – a dragon that could quite possibly be the perfect ally. . . .

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 3.93

Most Common Rating: 5

Positive Comments

What’s next on our list of fantasy books around 200 pages? It’s a book readers described as having fun and refreshing twists: Dragon’s Bait.

Taking the ‘innocent maiden sacrificed to a dragon’ trope, Dragon’s Bait has maiden and dragon as co-collaborators against the corrupt townspeople who sentenced her.

Readers were delighted by the unexpected reversals: supposed enemies become allies, prey becomes predator and predator becomes prey. They also reported that they connected to Alys, the protagonist, and felt her pain, anger and eventual healing throughout the novel.

Others mentioned that the liked the deeper thematic elements to the novel, which centered around revenge and forgiveness. Readers said that this had enough of a presence to stir their imaginations while not being so in-your-face that it jarred them out of the story.

Negative Comments

If readers didn’t enjoy Dragon’s Bait, what did they say? Generally, they said that Alys and Selendrile, the main characters, weren’t that developed.

They remarked that, likely due to the book’s shorter length, Alys’ changing feelings happen too quickly. Others said that Selendrile comes comes across less as a mysterious, intriguing character and more as a vaguely characterized one.

Companions of the Night by Vivian Vande Velde


When Kerry’s little brother forgets his stuffed bear at the laundry, Kerry ventures out at 11th p.m. to retrieve it for him.

The laundry is deserted and kind of spooky, and while she’s there three men burst in, dragging a bound and bloodied young man they insist is a vampire.

Kerry helps him escape, only to be caught up in a desperate game between vampire hunters and their prey.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 3.77

Most Common Rating: 4

Positive Comments

Next on our list of fantasy books around 200 pages is Companion of the Night, a novel that explores the vampire mythos in a modern setting. This story was published before Twilight, and fans praised it for having refreshing ideas and perspectives on ‘modern vampires’ they hadn’t seen before.

Fans described the book as having a genuinely smart protagonist as well as insightful explorations into what it would be like to be a vampire in contemporary times. Many praised its realism, describing it as convincing and intriguing.

Add to that the suspense around whether Kerry and Ethan could trust each other, and Companions of the Night came across as a wonderful book for vampire fans.

Negative Comments

No book is without its critics, so what did these readers say about Companions of the NightWell, they tended to focus on the story’s pace, saying that it started slowly and seemed to end too quickly.

Dealing With Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede


Cimorene is everything a princess is not supposed to be: headstrong, tomboyish, smart – and bored.

So bored that she runs away to live with a dragon – and finds the family and excitement she’s been looking for.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 4.15

Most Common Rating: 5

Positive Comments

Our last fantasy book around 200 pages is Dealing With Dragons. This humorous, quirky novel delights in parodying typical fantasy tropes and tales. Fans said that they found themselves grinning and laughing throughout the story.

In addition to that, fans raved about the protagonist, Cimorene. This princess-turned-dragon-captive is spunky, witty and determined to break outside the mold. Readers found her engaging, refreshing and an overall highlight throughout the novel.

Aside from that, several adult readers said that they appreciated the positive messages and themes in Dealing With Dragons. In particular, these readers thought the book was a great choice for young girls.

Negative Comments

If readers didn’t like Dealing With Dragons, what did they say? In general, critics said that the novel’s parodying of gender-based fantasy tropes was too heavy-handed.

Related to this, others thought that the novel unintentionally sent a different message than it intended. They suspected the story was meant to encourage its audience to have the bravery to resist the pressure to conform to other’s expectations. However, they said that the message instead came off as denigrating more traditionally feminine girls and women.

5 Short Fantasy Books Around 200 Pages to Read

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