7 Best Fantasy Books With Dwarves to Read Right Now

Fantasy books with dwarves aren’t as common as elf-focused or dragon-centered ones. However, fantasy authors have penned several moving, fascinating stories around them.

Whether you’re looking for a fantasy novel with a unique perspective or one that delves deep into a classic character type, this list has a story for you.

Here are 7 great fantasy books with dwarves to read right now:

I’ve included ratings and a summary of reader comments below. For a comparison of these fantasy novels side-by-side, here’s a chart.

The Dwarves by Markus Heitz


For countless millennia, no man or beast has ever succeeded in breaching the stone gateway into Girdlegard. Until now…

Abandoned as a child, Tungdil the blacksmith is the only dwarf in a kingdom of men. But when he is sent out into the world to deliver a message and reacquaint himself with his people, the young foundling finds himself thrust into a battle for which he has not been trained.

Not only his own safety, but the life of every man, woman and child in Girdlegard depends upon his ability to embrace his heritage.

Although he has many unanswered questions, Tungdil is certain of one thing: no matter where he was raised, he is a true dwarf. And no one has ever questioned the courage of the Dwarves.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 3.95

Most Common Rating: 4

Positive Comments

First on our list of fantasy books with dwarves is The Dwarves. Fans of this novel said that its vibrant characters bring zest to this quest tale.

Many mentioned how easy it was to get attached to the characters, care about them when they were in danger, and feel like part of their team themselves. Fans often said that the story’s feeling of warm camaraderie enveloped not just its characters, but them as well. 

Other readers praised the book for its exploration of dwarvish society and culture: tidbits about dwarven cuisine, professions and hobbies, for instance, gave the story richness and intrigue. Paired with the fact that the main character is a dwarf raised by humans, it made this aspect of the story a treat.

Negative Comments

No book is without its critics, so what did they say? In general, they seemed to fall into two categories: those that disliked some aspect of the characters or those that thought the story had too many classic fantasy elements. 

For the former, readers mentioned that the characters’ frequent bickering grated on them. Rather than feeling like arguments coming from sincere conflicts, they came across more as immaturity.

Others said that aside from the main character, Tungdil, the other characters seemed noticeably less developed. In particular, some said it stood out to them how few developed female characters there were.

However, in terms of the classic fantasy elements, critics seemed to take issue with the story’s combination of a traditional plot and world. For instance, The Dwarves pairs a quest narrative with a populace consisting of elves, dwarves, humans and orcs. 

Honourkeeper by Nick Kyme


In the ancient days of the Old World, long before the time of men, the dwarfs and elves are at the height of their prosperity.

As King Bagrik of the dwarfs and Prince Ithalred of the elves forge a trade pact, a vast horde of northmen attacks the elf settlement.

When King Bagrik’s son is slain, the dwarfs join forces with the elves, eager for vengeance. Can the dwarfs and the elves put aside their differences long enough to prevail over foe?

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 3.91

Most Common Rating: 4

Positive Comments

Next on our list of fantasy books with dwarves is Honourkeeper. Fans praised this fantasy novel, saying it was a treat for those looking for a story with a living-and-breathing dwarven culture, as well as a plot jam-packed with action, twists and turns. Its a story set completely in a dwarven world, painted in rich and vivid detail.

But aside from that, readers said that Honourkeeper is full of drama, intrigue and grand battles. It’s also one that gives a tragic and treachery-ladden backstory for the classic ‘dwarves vs elves’ enmity. 

Many mentioned how the book gripped their emotions, making them fear for the characters and feel their losses, while also inspiring them with admiration for the dwarves’ heroism.

Negative Comments

So what did critics say?

Overall, critics tended to describe the book as relatively predictable. For instance, much of the book’s plot involves treachery, but these readers saw through the deceptions quickly. As such, they thought Honourkeeper lacked suspense.

The Doom of Dragonback by Gav Thorpe


With the War of Vengeance over, the dwarfs of the Old World have begun to rebuild their empire. But they have been drastically weakened by their conflict with the elves, and as great earthquakes tear the mountains asunder, enemies old and new descend upon the dwarf holds.

To the west, in the Dragonback Mountains, the dwarfs of Ekrund think themselves safe from the threats faced by their eastern cousins. They are wrong.

As greenskins march into their realm in terrifying numbers and war beckons, the Angbok clan and their fellows must fight to save everything they hold dear. 

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 4.15

Most Common Rating: 5

Positive Comments

Another fantasy book with dwarves is The Doom of Dragonback. This fantasy novel is a tragedy, but one that stirred fans’ emotions with its likable characters and immersive portrayal of dwarven life.

One of the aspects of the story that was most refreshing to them was that it was told from the perspective of a female dwarven character, something rarely seen in fantasy books. However, in terms of the characters overall, readers often praised the book for having characters that noticeably grew as they went through their trials.

Others mentioned that in addition to a well-paced plot, the story details the dwarves’ daily activities, worldview and culture in a way that brings them to life. This included ‘regular’ dwarves, not simply the typical dwarven king or warriors. 

Negative Comments

In terms of what readers didn’t like, critics typically had one main reason: the slow beginning.

However, they also tended to mention that afterward, the story’s pace speeds up and the overall tale gripped them.

Dragon Wing by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman


Ages ago, sorcerers of unmatched power sundered a world into four realms — sky, stone, fire, and water — then vanished. Over time, magicians learned to work spells only in their own realms and forgot the others.

Now only the few who have survived the Labyrinth and crossed the Death Gate know of the presence of all four realms — and even they have yet to unravel the mysteries of their severed world. . . . 

In Arianus, Realm of Sky, humans, elves, and dwarves battle for control of precious water — traversing a world of airborne islands on currents of elven magic and the backs of mammoth dragons. But soon great magical forces will begin to rend the fabric of this delicate land.

An assassin will be hired to kill a royal prince — by the king himself. A dwarf will challenge the beliefs of his people — and lead them in rebellion. And a sinister wizard will enact his plan to rule Arianus — a plan that may be felt far beyond the Realm of Sky and into the Death Gate itself.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 3.95

Most Common Rating: 4

Positive Comments

Next on our list of fantasy books with dwarves is Dragon WingAn epic fantasy blended with science fiction, this story delighted readers with its unique world and fascinating, awe-inspiring settings. 

Dragon Wing was also filled with likable, complex characters. Many of them contrasted each other in a way that made each member of the cast’s individuality stand out.

Readers often said that these characters were what engrossed them in the tale and made the story a delight to read.

Negative Comments

So what did critics say? Typically, these readers said that they couldn’t connect with the characters.

Some said this was was because there seemed to be too many of them. Because of this, they found it difficult to get to know any single one deeply enough to feel attached.

Others, though, said they didn’t find the characters especially interesting overall.

Covenant of the Forge by Dan Parkinson


An old dwarven chieftain, Colin Stonetooth, leads a tribe of Hylar in a migration across Ansalon, pursuing a vision of a new home.

Hordes of dangerous outsiders, fleeing the Dragon Wars, are sweeping the countryside. Evil magic, strange knights, precocious kender, too, abound.

In the Kharolis Mountains, in Kal Thax, the Hylar come upon squabbling dwarven clans and knit them into the new nation of Thorbardin.

But a Theiwar assassin precipitates a civil war, a curse is fulfilled, and a child is born destined to become the Father of Kings.

The long-awaited historical saga of the bitterly rivalrous dwarven clans of Krynn is told for the first time by Dan Parkinson, author of the Dragonlance novel The Gates of Thorbardin and stories in the Tales II Trilogy.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 3.90

Most Common Rating: 5

Positive Comments

Next on our list of fantasy books with dwarves is Covenant of the Forge. This fantasy novel captured readers’ imagination with its vivid portrayal of individual dwarven characters as well as their different cultures. Each character felt unique. 

In addition, fans reported that, in classic dwarven fashion, the characters’ determination to succeed despite the odds was a delight to read about.

On the other hand, others praised the book for its fast-pace and frequent action. They described it as a great adventure story with a plot that kept them turning the pages. 

Negative Comments

What did critics say? Overall, these readers tended to comment that the story struck them more as a series of related short stories or episodes. Because of this, they thought the story came across as dry rather than building to a climactic point.

Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman


Lifelong friends, they went their separate ways. Now they are together again, though each holds secrets from the others in his heart.

They speak of a world shadowed with rumors of war. They speak of tales of strange monsters, creatures of myth, creatures of legend. They do not speak of their secrets. Not then.

Not until a chance encounter with a beautiful, sorrowful woman, who bears a magical crystal staff, draws the companions deeper into the shadows, forever changing their lives and shaping the fate of the world.

No one expected them to be heroes.

Least of all, them.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 3.99

Most Common Rating: 5

Positive Comments

Next on our list of fantasy books with dwarves is Dragons of Autumn Twilight. This book is considered a fantasy classic , with many readers warmly recalling how much it drew them into the fantasy genre in their childhood.

Readers who reviewed it positively often said that Dragons of Autumn Twilight is the best of traditional fantasy done right. Every familiar trope readers loved – whether in plot, character type or setting – was here in great form.

A common thread in their comments was how attached they grew to the characters, who all had different aspects to like.

Finally, fans also praised the authors for creating an uplifting, hope-filled and clean fantasy. Many current fantasy books lean toward a cast of anti-hero protagonists, a grim tone and detailed violence. As such, these readers appreciated this story’s angle.

Negative Comments

Readers overwhelmingly gave Dragons of Autumn Twilight a 5 star rating. Given that, what dragged readers’ overall rating down to a 3.99?

As you might expect, the ‘traditional fantasy’ aspect was exactly what grated on critics. Dragons of Autumn Twilight was written 1984, where the traditional fantasy tropes the book uses were fresh. By now though, the same character types, plot lines and world are prolific in the fantasy genre. All of these elements were painfully familiar to these readers.

Even details that would normally flesh out the characters and give them depth are by now common. As such, these readers perceived the characters as bland stereotypes and just couldn’t grow attached to them.

In the end, these readers recommended the book for younger readers who would be unfamiliar with the fantasy genre.

The Dungeoneers by Jeffery Russell


After five years as a city guard, Durham’s horizontal career trajectory adds a corkscrew when a misdelivered order assigns him to caravan duty for an eclectic group of Dwarves who hire themselves out as professional dungeoneers.

No ruler wants to leave a powerful magical weapon lying about in a dungeon where just any prophesied upstart can stumble across it and use it to overthrow the kingdom.

That’s where The Dungeoneers come in. Dungeons sacked, artifacts recovered, no job too big or too small. They’re not adventurers; they’re professionals.

With the discovery that Durham may have arrived with a destiny attached to him the Dungeoneers find themselves in the midst of some history about to happen. Will experience and Dwarven know-how be enough to carry the day?

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 3.99

Most Common Rating: 4

Positive Comments

The last book on our list of fantasy books with dwarves is a lighthearted, affectionate parody of traditional fantasy. As you might expect, fans of The Dungeoneers praised its humor, which they described as witty and laugh-out-loud hilarious. 

Others mentioned that they appreciated how the story never relied on characters doing what was convenient for the plot. For instance, acting foolish or bickering, even when complications arose.

Brave, clever and seasoned, the dwarves stay as such throughout their adventures. 

Negative Comments

Critics of The Dungeoneers generally had two comments. The first was that they either didn’t connect with the characters or that they thought they were interchangeable. 

The second reason they cited for disliking the story was its pacing. For some, it seemed slow. While the book had plenty of action, the action itself came across as repetitive rather than exciting.

Other critics said that The Dungeoneers didn’t have a sense of increasing stakes. Rather than leading to a climactic ending, its tension generally stayed at the same level.

7 Best Fantasy Books With Dwarves to Read Right Now

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7 Best Fantasy Books With Dwarves to Read Right Now


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