3 Funny Fantasy Books That Will Make You Laugh

Funny fantasy books aren’t common, but when you come across them, you can’t stop grinning.

Are you in the mood for uplifting, outright hilarious fantasy books? If so, look no further.

Here are three funny fantasy books to read:

For a quick comparison between the books, take a look at this chart below.

Blue Moon Rising by Simon R. Green


Rupert didn’t especially want to be a prince. And he certainly never asked to be the second son of a royal line that really didn’t need a spare. So he was sent out to slay a dragon and prove himself – a quest straight out of legend.

Book Cover of Blue Moon Rising

But he also discovered the kinds of things legends tend to leave out, as well as the usual demons, goblins, the dreaded Night Witch-and even worse terrors hidden in the shadows of Darkwood. 

Rupert did find a fiery dragon-and a beautiful princess to rescue. But the dragon turned out to be a better friend than anyone back at the castle, and with the evil of Darkwood spreading, Rupert was going to need all the friends he could get.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 4.09

Most Common Rating: 5

Positive Comments

First on our list of funny fantasy books is Blue Moon Rising. A unique blend of comedy and fantasy, readers who praised Blue Moon Rising applauded it for being fast-paced, witty and humorous. Especially considering its a lengthy page-count!

They also mentioned how memorable and fun each of the characters were. Unlike other books were only the main character shines, readers happily reported that it wasn’t just Rupert who delighted them. The entire cast was a pleasure to read about for hundreds of pages.

All in all, readers described Blue Moon Rising as a comedic, action-packed adventure suitable for all ages. Since gritty dark fantasy is the current trend, this book came across as a refreshing change!

Negative Comments

So if readers didn’t enjoy the novel, what did they say? Well, some of them said that they found the story too fast-paced. These readers thought that because of the pacing, the book sacrificed characterization. They would have preferred that the cast have more details fleshing them out.

Others reported that the story’s humor didn’t resonate with them. In their view, the story’s light tone jarred with the fact that the characters fought to stop an impending, demon-fueled apocalypse.

Dealing With Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede


Cimorene is everything a princess is not supposed to be: headstrong, tomboyish, smart – and bored.

So bored that she runs away to live with a dragon – and finds the family and excitement she’s been looking for.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 4.15

Most Common Rating: 5

Positive Comments

Another funny fantasy book that readers loved is Dealing With Dragons. This humorous, quirky novel delights in parodying typical fantasy tropes and tales. Readers said that they found themselves grinning and laughing throughout the story.

In addition to that, fans raved about the protagonist, Cimorene. This princess-turned-dragon-captive is spunky, witty and determined to break outside the mold. Readers found her engaging, refreshing and an overall highlight throughout the novel.

Aside from that, several adult readers said that they appreciated the positive messages and themes in Dealing With Dragons. In particular, these readers thought the book was a great choice for young girls.

Negative Comments

If readers didn’t like Dealing With Dragons, what did they say? In general, critics said that the novel’s parodying of gender-based fantasy tropes was too heavy-handed.

Related to this, others thought that the novel unintentionally sent a different message than it intended. They suspected the story was meant to encourage its audience to have the bravery to resist the pressure to conform to other’s expectations. However, they said that the message instead came off as denigrating more traditionally feminine girls and women.

The Once and Future King by T.H. White


Once upon a time, a young boy called “Wart” was tutored by a magician named Merlyn in preparation for a future he couldn’t possibly imagine.

Book cover of The Once and Future King

A future in which he would ally himself with the greatest knights, love a legendary queen and unite a country dedicated to chivalrous values.

A future that would see him crowned and known for all time as Arthur, King of the Britons.
During Arthur’s reign, the kingdom of Camelot was founded to cast enlightenment on the Dark Ages, while the knights of the Round Table embarked on many a noble quest.

But Merlyn foresaw the treachery that awaited his liege: the forbidden love between Queen Guenever and Lancelot, the wicked plots of Arthur’s half-sister Morgause and the hatred she fostered in Mordred that would bring an end to the king’s dreams for Britain — and to the king himself.

What Do Readers Say?

Goodreads Rating: 4.08

Most Common Rating: 5

Positive Comments

Last on our list of funny fantasy books is The Once and Future King, which many readers found after learning that this was the book Disney used as the basis for their movie, The Sword and the Stone.

Because of this, most positive reviewers came in expecting that it would have a humorous tone and references to modern places, people and events. These readers said that The Once and Future King was witty, entertaining and just an overall fantastic re-imagining of King Arthur legends.

Others mentioned that they appreciated how the story tackled the ‘big questions’, touching on questions such as, “is human nature primarily good or evil?” and even “What is the meaning of life?”

True to the Arthur legend, the story ends in tragedy, but readers mentioned that this ending was moving, powerful and resonated with thematic depth.

Negative Comments

If readers didn’t enjoy the book, they often mentioned that they expected a serious fantasy story. As such, it disappointed them that the book had a whimsical and fairy tale tone instead. These readers sometimes commented that the anachronisms, while funny, also ruined the mood for them.

Other readers, however, commented that after the first part of the book, the story began to depress them. In line with the Arthurian legend, The Once and Future King became more and more tragic as it progressed.

3 Funny Fantasy Books That Will Make You Laugh

How Do These Fantasy Novels Compare?

3 Funny Fantasy Books That Will Make You Laugh


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